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Hearing Aid Videos

ReSound One - New class of hearing aids

Introducing ReSound ONE: major leap forward’ in hearing aid technology

Just like a fingerprint, your hearing is one of a kind. Now you can experience truly individualised, natural, and more complete sound with an extra microphone placed in your ear canal.  We call it M&RIE. It uses your own ears to deliver the sound.

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ReSound ONE: easily locate sounds with M&RIE, a Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear design

Get the truest sense of space and easily locate sounds with M&RIE, a Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear design. Our one-of-a-kind hearing aid enriches your daily sound environments with direction and depth.

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ReSound ONE: M&RIE. The microphone & receiver in your ear use your unique ear shape to collect sound

Get the truest sense of space and easily locate sounds with M&RIE, a Microphone & Receiver-In-Ear design. Our one-of-a-kind hearing aid enriches your daily sound environments with direction and depth.

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ReSound ONE: Designed to meet your individual needs

ReSound ONE is designed to meet your individual needs: Hear the world with your own ears, Greater hearing wherever you are, Focus in on speech in front of you and Live assistance from your home.

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